Conversation Between l'Enfermé and Romanophile

  1. Oui, monsieur. Russian is my mother tongue, basically.
  2. Parles‐tu russe, monsieur ?
  3. No, not at all. It's an excusable newbie question
  4. J’espère que ma discussion n’a réduit pas ta opinion de moi.
  5. I rarely ever draw. The girl in my avatar presumably has ears to make her look cuter.
  6. Ah I see. By the way, why does the guy in your avatar have animal-ears? Did you draw him yourself?
  7. It was probably its mentioning in arguments against homosexuality that provoked my interest. And seeing people’s (usually emotional) opposition to consanguinamory fascinates me and perplexes me. Consanguinamory is not harmful, so why oppose it ?

    Also, I think that your statement that it is very rare is questionable. Because incest is against in the law and is taboo, it’s hard to determine how common it is.

    See also :
  8. Hey, if you don't mind me asking, what's up with your interest in incest? It's very rare.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8