Conversation Between Vyacheslav Brolotov and Prometeo liberado

  1. Prometeo liberado
    You can't work with Beria. Too short a name. Broria? Meh.
  2. Molotov and Beria both have their own reasons to kiss my ass, but I have picked Molotov over Beria, as has Enver Hoxha.
  3. Prometeo liberado
    Beria can kiss your ass, but you thought about it? LOL, made my day! Always thinkin.
  4. Beria can kiss my ass. Plus, Broia sounds stupid. I thought about it, but decided against it.
  5. Prometeo liberado
    What happened, Beria too short for a Bro?
  6. Because I feel like it and no one has taken it yet.
  7. Prometeo liberado
    Alright monkey explain the name, bro? Why Molotov all the sudden?
  8. Lol, what?
  9. Prometeo liberado
    Brolright bronkey explain the name, bro.
  10. Prometeo liberado
    They think you are mexican for the same reason that they think black people sell drugs, media produced racial stereo types. In the reverse you have minority kids who think that only white people are smart because they are all rich and powerfull, like they see on T.V.
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