Conversation Between Questionable and Rafiq

  1. Questionable
    Hey, why haven't I seen you posting in OI as of late? We've gotten a few new pro-capitalists like freehobo who are somewhat intelligent, I figured you'd be all over them since you posted that topic asking for more reactionaries to spar with.
  2. Rafiq
    That's an extremely difficult question... Well... Does their significance matter?
  3. Questionable
    Out of curiosity, who are you favorite Marxist thinkers who are currently alive? Philosophers or economists or anything.
  4. Rafiq
    In some cases, yes.
  5. Questionable
    Can Foucault's teachings be "turned on their head" in the manner of other Idealist philosophers?
  6. Rafiq
    Focault is right that human "nature" is not intristic biologically, however, focault is a bourgeois intellectual and a postmodernist, i.e. an Idealist. I guess you can say he's a better kind of Idealist, then. That doesn't mean he isn't useful though.
  7. Questionable
    What do you think about Michael Foucault? I was watching his debate with Noam Chomsky and his stance on human nature seemed right up your alley.
  8. Questionable
    Can I ask where your Dzerzhinsky quote comes from? I've looked around and can't find the source.[FONT=Courier New] [/FONT]
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8