Conversation Between daft punk and Stalin Ate My Homework

  1. Stalin Ate My Homework
    As your a Trotskyist I'd like to knwo your views on the idea of political revolution: from what I've read (mainly from the spartacist website) most Trotskyists during the late 80's viewed the developments of Eastern Europe as potential 'political revolutions', yet in all of these countries capitalism was restored. China 1989 is also seen as a possible 'political revolution' (Workers held red banners, Mao, sang Internationale, this might be more a case of 'good tsar' illusions), but in the context of when the China events happened is their any evidence to suggest that it wouldn't have resulted in full Capitalist restoration ?(though I believe that had already happened). What should the criteria for describing something as a 'political revolution' be? A lot of left groups have found obscure evidence that the protests held a socialist character, though I'm not sure if these theories are any more credible than the conventional view that they were entirely , pro-'democracy' protests.
  2. Stalin Ate My Homework
    The degeneration of the USSR is so demoralising, it not only took USSR on the wrong path but also the International communist movement. Now us communists are widely discredited, our theories are not viewed as tyrannical as was in the McCarthy era but are associated with abject failure which is probably worse.
  3. Stalin Ate My Homework
    So what was it that made Stalin collectivise? My theory is that the Kulak's had got rich during the NEP, which lasted too long, meaning that they could afford to withhold grain in order to increase it's value, thus causing a major shortage.
  4. well, obviously the bureaucracy were part of the state apparatus. I think you put it well, it was the capitalists influence and power increasing in all sorts of ways due to the climate created by Stalin's policies. I believe he even discussed denationalisation of the land in 1927. He did also warn of the kulak danger himself, but for him it was just words, his actions speak louder.
  5. Yeah definitely, not just the party but the whole state apparatus.
  6. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Just read through the intro of the platorm of the opposition. As I see it Trotsky is arguing that elements of bureaucracy had entered the party with many old Bolsheviks being pushed out of influential positions. This new bureaucracy made it easier for capitalist elements to enter the party who had gained greater influence due to Stalin's refusal to implement a progressive tax. These Capitalist elements aspsired to achieve a dual-power situation. The correct line to take would be implementing a heavy tax on the rich and the setting up of voluntary collectives for the peasants whilst developing advanced technology for the collectives. The middle peasants would thn realise it is in their interests to enter similar collectives themselves thus leaving the kulak elements isolated.

    Would you say that this is a correct understanding of Trotsky's argument? Your thoughts would be appreciated, thanks comrade.
  7. Yeah Trots and Stalinists do work together to some extent but the Stalinists tend to be more reformist. However we cant whitewash history for the sake of unity as some on here suggest, it would be like denying the holocaust to keep Germans happy. The other problem is that the Trots are divided into lots of groups, and then you have left communists and anarchists as well. It does seem a bit hopeless sometimes, however you just do what you can, it's all you can do. Just try to get to the truth and stick to it. The problem with Stalinists is they will always go for class collaboration and sow false illusions eg that army leaders could be trusted.
  8. Stalin Ate My Homework
    *I meant a unification of Trots and ML's
  9. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Hi comrade, just read three of the articles you gave me, though I've yet to read the one on Vietnam. The first and third articles I found particularly eye-opening with regard to Stalinist foreign policy. Stalin subordinated the entire international Communist movement to the needs of USSR. My question is, due to the fact that neither USSR or China exact any influence over the Communist movement internationally, do you believe that Trotskyists and non-reformist Marxist-Leninists is possible?
  10. Stalin Ate My Homework
    Hello, just left a comment in the 'Trotskyist dismissals of the Chinese revolution ' thread, your thoughts would be appreciated comrade.
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