Conversation Between newdayrising and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, I really don't have a problem with you joining the group, I just send that message to everyone that wants to join.
  2. newdayrising
    Well, I can't say I'm a proper Bordigist (I'm not really close to the Bordigist groups), but Bordiga's theories are definitely among the most influential for me. I figured the group would help me go a bit deeper into his work.
  3. Brosa Luxemburg
    Hi, I saw you wanted to join the Bordigist group that I maintain. I am keeping that group restricted to those that sympathize with Bordigism or are Bordigists. I see that you are a left communist, so this shouldn't be a problem. I created the Bordiga Literati group free to everyone for people that just want to discuss Bordigism and Bordiga's thought. Just get back to me on this, thanks.
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