Conversation Between A Marxist Historian and l'Enfermé

  1. Excellent post. "The CCP state is exactly as described by Trotsky with respect to the USSR, a Bonapartist affair balancing between classes, subordinate to world imperialism but ultimately dependent on the Chinese working class and peasantry for its legitimacy, so ultimately an extremely corrupt and deformed workers state."

    I'm rather inclined to agree but there's a difference between Trotsky's assessment of the USSR under the Stalinist bureaucracy and the current situation, namely that in Stalin's USSR there was no bourgeoisie and in China, there's a clear bourgeoisie class. Wouldn't it be to say fair that the Chinese bureaucracy is not a "caste" or a "parasitic outgrowth" but an actual class? I actually don't know what to think, do you know anything in English written by Chinese comrades worth reading about modern China?
  2. Comrade, why do you take issue with Blanquist's use of the terms "backwards people" when describing the situation of my ethnic group in the 19th century(in this thread). It's quite accurate and properly Marxist. The phrase has no connection with racism; in fact it's anti-racist. The implication is that a people is backwards because it's in a lower stage of development, consequently the people is capable of advancing, culturally and technologically. This idea is a devastating attack on racism(for how can there be inferior and superior races if all so-called "races" follow a similar line of development?).
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