Conversation Between Cleansing Conspiratorial Revolutionary Flame and Red_Struggle

  1. 'Cupp? He tried to mix white nationalism with Marxism and formed the "European-American Socialist People's Front" '

    Third-Positionism is capable of reaching rather silly lengths.
  2. Red_Struggle
    and Lenin, Stalin, and Hoxha were popularly recognized leaders who personally had their hands in advancing the class struggle both nationally and globally. There's nothing wrong with having a well read leader, imo, but nowadays theory and application should probably be more of a collective effort both inside and outside the vanguard party. We have nearly 100 years of experience of studying workers' states, their positives and negatives and thus their study and the application of socialism should be spread out amongst the general population.
  3. 'Bolshevik's and the Albanian Party of Labor's central governments '
    However the leadership of these respective governments were consolidated among Great Men... (Hoxha of the Albanian Party of Labor and both Lenin and Stalin in relation to the Bolshevik Party)
  4. Red_Struggle
    I don't think too many MLs are "great men" theorists. Tankies, maybe, but not Marxist-Leninists. It's true that outstanding individuals can give advice and guide the proletariat in their struggles by providing them with theory and philosophy, but it is the working class itself that carry on the struggle and actually build socialism with their own two hands. It was the Bolshevik's and the Albanian Party of Labor's central governments that enabled the proletariat to weild political power, but it was the workers and peasants themselves who took upon the tasks of building up their respective country's economy along socialist lines.
  5. As well, perhaps what is required is not simply the collective leadership of a single Revolutionary Vanguard Party in a sense, but what is required is a single revolutionary ideal that can be identified with that allows for a precondition for all to act upon with the political spectrum. (As is done in Bourgeois Democratic Society with Capitalism being a precondition)

    This allows for those within society to identify with the Vanguard Party and ideally set forth their own revolutionary destiny in building the cogs of Socialist Society while meeting the preconditions of Socialism itself.
  6. My main issue with 'Hoxhaism' and 'Stalinism' is not the theoretical propositions that they propose; More or less my issue with the two is the blatant Great-Manisms and disregarding of the Proletariat as a force and in return upholding certain figures as if they are Caesar.

    'Hoxhaism' although, makes it quite clear for the need of social discipline, however the historic nature of Great-Man Centrism is at itself Anti-Materialist. If Authoritarianism is to be needed, the only Authoritarianism that is to be required is to be that of the Proletarian masses being Authoritarian over themselves.
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