Conversation Between Tim Cornelis and l'Enfermé

  1. rofl i was being sarcastic but ok
  2. Tim Cornelis
    You're an idiot.
    Maybe we can meet face-to-face and see if you still behave like such an idiot or do you coward behind your screen like the basement dweller you are? Do you get off on behaving like an idiot?
    I haven't moved to the left for the record. My rhetoric has caught up with my politics.
  3. Even though you have moved politically to the left, you are still an apologist for fascism but perhaps no longer a fascist sympathiser, comrade.
  4. Meh, I don't know. Just being nice.
  5. Tim Cornelis
    Inflation man. Inflation.
    Seriously, what's the point?
  6. Just thanked your last 12 posts. How do you like them apples?
  7. Tim Cornelis
    Stop thanking everything. Thank you.
  8. Tim Cornelis
    njet comrade, not yet.
  9. What's the new avatar? Hungary '56? Did any Stalinists condemn you for "glorifying" the Stalin statue-breaking conducted by Hungarian nazi-"terrorists" in 1956 yet? lol
  10. Tim Cornelis
    I never said punching someone is a way of arguing. Of course fascists believe what they do is right, otherwise they wouldn't be doing it. Not everyone shares your paradigm you know.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14