Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and Flying Purple People Eater

  1. Flying Purple People Eater
    What on earth is that thing on your profile picture!?
  2. I fucking hate Kautsky.
  3. Flying Purple People Eater

    Go back to your bordigoid-Kautsky satanic god duo, ultraleft.

    I will not absorb your petty-bourgeois slander.
  4. Either you're just a really unimaginative troll or you know nothing about left politics outside of Stalinism.
  5. No, I don't actually.
  6. Flying Purple People Eater
    Talk to the hand ultraleft. I bet you love trotsky.
  7. You need something to distinguish your trolling game.
  8. Flying Purple People Eater
    I am not joking about any petition, you rotten bordigageois scum. Your twisted political views have caused the deaths of many an anti-revisionist movement throughout the century.

    Rotten ultraleft.

    Leftcoms are jest wrong.
  9. I hope your joking about the petition.
  10. Flying Purple People Eater
    Well, I think that this is a little off-key. He certainly appraised people more knowledgable about socialism helping educate fellow workers, but I've never seen him spout any crap about all that professional revolutionary nonsense. Then again, I've only read his Erfurt Programme so I might be a little ignorant here.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18