Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and GoddessCleoLover

  1. not quite as hilarious as that
  2. GoddessCleoLover
    Let me guess. That White Guard Anti-Semite caricature of an animalistic Trotsky perched upon the bones of poor Christian Russians?
  3. if you think that's bad you should see the picture they have for the article on bolshevism
  4. GoddessCleoLover
    It is interesting how the default position of right-wing extremists is to fall back upon conspiracy theory by accusing Gramsci of being a proponent of the infiltration of bourgeois institutions. The author obviously not only has never read Gramsci he had never read a decent secondary source. Hell he hasn't even read the Wikipedia entry on Gramsci.
    this should be worth a chuckle
  6. Gramsci's absolute historicism strikes me as unscientifically relativist.
  7. GoddessCleoLover
    Lenin was probably generally aware of Gramsci, but Gramsci's theories of absolute historicism etcetera were formulated after Lenin's death. Lenin's Materialism and Emperio-Criticism would seem to be at odds with Gramsci's historicism, and IMO Gramsci's view seems preferable.
  8. You seem to know an awful lot about Gramsci. I know Gramsci thought favorably of Lenin, but out of curiosity I'd like to know what Lenin thought of him. I'd imagine Lenin would disagree with his absolute historicism.
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