Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and Rafiq

  1. You're just afraid to debate Avanti, the great theorist of Anarcho-Teenagerism, because you know you'd get destroyed.
  2. Rafiq
    What a headache that would be... No, for the sake of my mental health.
  3. you should debate avanti
  4. Will do
  5. Rafiq
    And do well to fuck yourself long and hard.
  6. Holy shit you are a fucking dolt. You have a word to dismiss literally anything you're not familiar with.
  7. Rafiq
    I don't care. I'd rather not indulge myself into some kind of pseudo spiritualist experience reading the unconscious petite bourgeois ramblings of overly emotional cretins.
  8. I bet you haven't read any modern poetry. You can google some names, but if I were to ask you in person you wouldn't be able to name a single one.
  9. Rafiq
    Oh... The poetry thread. Yeah, I don't give a shit. I haven't seen any modern poetry which is half decent.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17