Conversation Between El Chuncho and Rafiq

  1. El Chuncho
    No problem. Keep up the good work, comrade!
  2. Rafiq
    Thanks, man.
  3. El Chuncho
    Making good points in the paedo thread, m'man!
  4. El Chuncho
    A bit late but:

    OK, but I suggest that you try not to drink so much, it hampers positive (and truthful) thinking and causing embarrassing situations.

    Have a nice day.
  5. Rafiq
    Oh please. When are you going to ditch that "Rafiq is a heightist reactionary" crap. It's not like i'm a tall guy. Plus when i said that I was drunk... Please get rid of it, I'm sorry if I offended you and acted like a jerk. I hope we can just clear hostility's and such.
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