Conversation Between No_Leaders and TheRedAnarchist23

  1. It goes fine.
    I have been having a lot of fun playing Tropico 4, ever played it?
  2. No_Leaders
    hey comrade how goes it?
  3. ""

    That is a thread I made, called "dictatorship of the admin", it points out the almost unlimited power of the admins here on revleft, and how they misuse it, how they ban people instead of teaching them, how they use censorship, etc.

    It got deleted for "trolling", that was the excusse they gave.

    I beleive it has been censored.
  4. No_Leaders
    thanks i'll have to check it out! I usually buy a lotta books from AK Press but money is tight so i can't really afford the luxury of buying books whenever i want. I use to a lot when i lived at my dad's house haha. But been living on my own for about a year and a half now.
  5. The Anarchist Library is a good website to get books in .pdf format.
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