Conversation Between Drosophila and TheGodlessUtopian

  1. TheGodlessUtopian
    lol... yeah, the resemblance is uncanny. Maybe the maker of the picture had some inspiration? Eh, maybe not but one never knows.
  2. I can't help but think that's Adrian Veidt from Watchmen in your avatar
  3. TheGodlessUtopian
    Yeah, I am in the group to easily monitor the latest happenings and such.Plus when I first joined I displayed my tendency as such but didn't actually know what I was endorsing. I am also in the Trotskyist group for the same reason.
  4. I saw you were a part of the M-L-M group on here
  5. TheGodlessUtopian
    I never was M-L-M... though I am a Leninist. Will actually be soon going back through Lenin's works so as to gain a more coherent understanding of his ideas.

  6. Are you still M-L-M?
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