Conversation Between Welshy and TheGodlessUtopian

  1. I know it isn't an issue any more, but I do think we have to keep in mind that a lot of tendencies out there are really small and quite frankly have as much influence as DNZ's idea. Also not everyone who supports the october revolution and the bolsheviks (at least initially) consider themselves to be leninists, just because the membership may be similar doesn't mean the group is redundant. Also Leninist implies modern tendencies that claim lineage from Lenin's ideas so the Leninist group had a larger scope.

    Also there is a difference between a joke tendency like anarcho-stalinism and a tendency that could be seen as a board tendency or a tendency that doesn't have real membership outside of the internet or just intellectual discussion. In the first one only jokes are made and in the second one actually thoughtful discussion goes on (like was going on in the roosterist group before it was deleted).
  2. TheGodlessUtopian
    Though DNZ's ideas were interesting they were not real tendencies as in established ones. As for the Bolshevik group it was redundant as there already existed a Leninist group. This recent purge was undertaken to make tendency category less crowded and to make new members less confused.The DNZ group already ahs a new discussion group, it just isn't labeled as a tendency.
  3. Why did you delete the Third World Caesarean Socialist group and the Bolshevik groups, they were hardly fake tendencies as in the first they had people who were legitimately interested in DNZ's idea and the second one had people who were legitimately supportive of the Bolsheviks.
  4. TheGodlessUtopian
    Okay,it is a secret group so you have to be added by an existing member.I will PM you my profile and once we are friends I will add you to the group.
  5. Yeah, I tried finding it but was able to. Do you have a link?
  6. TheGodlessUtopian
    Hello comrade,I am not sure if you read the message on The United Soviet group,but if you are interested in seeing how the group turns out than I would suggest joining our facebook group.Most of the activity will be done there.If you don't than that's cool but I thought I should let you know anyways
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