Conversation Between AnarchoCommunistEyepatch and Dimitri Molotov

  1. Dimitri Molotov
    I consider the word "communism" a blanket term, where different denominations split off of it, like Trotsky-ism, Maoism, Leninism, kind of like Christianity is just a blanket term for its denominations like Roman Catholic, Protestant, Latter Day Saints, Etc. My political philosophy is Anarchist, and my economic philosophy is Marxist, so i just consider myself an anarcho-Marxist, usually though i just say anarcho-communist. This answer is guess is more in depth than the original one I gave you which is kind of lame haha.
  2. Dimitri Molotov
    I don't think anything really, i usually just consider myself an anarcho-communist. I might have made up a new word on accident haha, i just agree with views from both anarchy and marxism, so i just put that as my political philosophy.
  3. AnarchoCommunistEyepatch
    Hay, what woudl the difference be between anarcho communism and anarcho marxism?
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