Conversation Between psgchisolm and The Man

  1. The Man

    Not really in any particular order.
  2. Nah, a Democratic Socialist, not the reformist Social Dem with tendencies to council com and A-synd. BTW Besides stalin who is your favorite leftist? Mine is Engels.
  3. The Man
    Ah.. A Marxist Non-Leninist?
  4. Haha, noooooo. Just not totalitarian types of the state. I can agree with Anarcho-Syndicalism and Council Communism but that's it.
  5. The Man
    You part of the "ANARKY, SMASZH THE STATE GUYZ" Group?
  6. Not Marxist-Leninist but I do actively recognize alot of the good things Stalin did. I don't agree with all, but he is pretty high on my list of leftists.
  7. The Man
    Wow! You Stalinist too bro?!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7