Conversation Between B0LSHEVIK and La Comédie Noire

    Oh ok. Well, the comic kind of leads one to your conclusion!

    Lol, thats great. I love sattire, though in this case, its very spot on.
  2. La Comédie Noire
    Haha My avatar has Marx and Lenin and Marx says to Lenin "Don't you know the emancipation of the working class, must be carried out by the workers themselves?" and Lenin says "No, but if you hum a few bars I can fake it."

    I forget who made it, but I found it incredibly funny even if I don't think Lenin was a total authoritarian ass.
    Lol, what does your avatar say? I wish I could read the words in the comic. Looks like Marx and Mao singing a duet, is that right?

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