Conversation Between greenwarbler and Robespierre Richard

  1. Well, there are always options at hand: sleeping in a field, ofr instance, is not excluded. One amy also find lodgings with friends; make friends on the bus or train -- or just approach interesting-looking (or sounding) people on the street, and explain that one is NOT in fact a psychopathis stalker killer. I've also been looking into and thinking about the various squatter scenes around (of which Amsterdam is merely the most notorious, but certainly not alone -- Frankfurt, for instance, has a huge undeground squat Kultur); couch-surfing; etc. Bumming around has its perks, but so does having a home (if only a measely 49 square meters in East Charlottenburg, or Danzig). Who knows where tomorrow will find us?
  2. Robespierre Richard
    You can stay in a hostel for as cheap as $10 a night I've heard.
  3. Transiency: I have been, and remain without stable lodgings (though i have a train ticket to Berlin this Saturday, I have no destination once there!) -- the modern epic is faintly reminescent of this predicament: it concerns the development of one day!
  4. Robespierre Richard
    Well you were a cool guy on IRC and then you disappeared somewhere...
  5. Why the long face, stranger?
  6. Robespierre Richard
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