Conversation Between AnarchoMassLineDemarchist and RED DAVE

  1. Reason for visiting?........ Imperialism I LOL' D
  2. Jack Changes, Passports and being old
  3. Who is Jack Dee?
  4. LOL your the new jack dee
  5. I neither drink nor smoke, but I have been known to share chamomile tea and toast with comrades. Please don't disturb my lap rug.
  6. HAHA, even though i hate your politics, your the coolest muthafucka on here, and the only one i would want to have a rum and stogie with

    But fuck lenin
  7. I am old and feeble and collect a pension from the US capitalist imperialist government. (I get in the movies at senior citizen rate.) I also work two jobs (teacher and home health aide) for about 80 hours a week, I write, and I help my wife, a singer songwriter, with her career.

    When I'm not doing that, I sit on my rocking chair, pet the cat and watch game shows. I especially like "Baggage."
  8. do you qualify for the pensioner bus ticket?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8