Conversation Between L.A.P. and Tablo

  1. Except that I just read that symbol as infinity..
  2. I know. I still can't read it. Just like ∞.
  3. L.A.P.
    That sucks, it's supposed to be the look of dissappointment.
  4. I can't read your name.
  5. L.A.P.
    Well off into the abyss then.
  6. Lol, unlikely anyone is going to hack you. I wouldn't be concerned.
  7. L.A.P.
    What about the threat of hackers?
  8. Might need an addon for that. You shouldn't worry too much. As long as you don't do anything really illegal you should be fine.
  9. L.A.P.
    How do i turn off scripts though?
  10. Tor is safe. It can't guarantee your safety though. Turn off scripts and cookies and stuff before you surf the deepweb.
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