Conversation Between Rafiq and TheRedAnarchist23

  1. Rafiq
    Genetics has some influence, of course. Of that there cannot be a doubt. But whatever separates you from an ancient Egyptian is definitely dominated by your mode of production.
  2. So, you beleive the mode of production is the only thing that influences people's behavior.
  3. Rafiq
    No. The mode of production includes classes, the means of production, and the relations all of these things have toward each other.
  4. Mode of production=class?
  5. Rafiq
    No. Their relation is defined very strictly: their class.
  6. So the mode of prodution in the capitalist system is based on money, right?

    Then does someone's relation to the mode of production mean his amount of money?
  7. Rafiq
    The mode of production is the process... The umbrella which includes the means of production, all classes, class relations, and property relations, etc. In capitalism's case, the mode of production can be defined by commodity production, Capital, etc.
  8. Then can you elaborate on what mode of production is?
  9. Rafiq
    No, those are the means of production.
  10. Then is mode of production the tools used in production?
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