Conversation Between Rafiq and Kamil

  1. Rafiq
    I'm a Councilist left communist
  2. Kamil
    I'm half Irish half Syrian. Tho I dont identify as a Muslim in any orthodox sense of the term, I personally deny the idea of a literal creator deity with a personality external from the physical world. My Islam is a combination of Shariati red shi'ism with some radical american black muslim nation of islam stuff. What tendency do you identify with?
  3. Rafiq
    No, I'm an atheist. Half Lebanese half Iranian peace to you too comrade
  4. Kamil
    Michigan......formerly known as Shariati.....found u kn the muslim socialists group.... Dare I say Salam-alaikum y'akhi?? Are u farsi? Mash'allah bro. Shia?
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