Conversation Between Rafiq and jake williams

  1. jake williams
    I'm not sure what he is. He's probably more a Marxist than a Hegelian, but I think this is more a statistical anomaly of what views he happens to espouse at given moments than reflecting any deep, consistent philosophical schema.
  2. Rafiq
    Is he Hegelian? Is so, how exactly is it possible to be a Marxist, and a Hegelian at once ?
  3. jake williams
    Zizek is a loopy but entertaining academic who occasionally has interesting ideas. He's a postmodernist insofar as he's inconsistent and disingenuous but intellectually creative, so, I guess he's very much a postmodernist.
  4. Rafiq
    Are you a postmodernist? Is Zizek one? I don't mean to use that as an insult, but it's just something I occasionally hear (that Zizek is one).
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