Conversation Between Revolution starts with U and Inquisitive Lurker

  1. Revolution starts with U
    I actually sent you the friend request BECAUSE of your adversarial nature.
    I love a good argument
  2. Also if I friend you I might feel an unwanted moral pang not to be adversarial, and as you've seen, I like being adversarial. I'll have to think on it. I see from your list you were a friend of a friend of mine. Anyway, I'm posting the last hint in the thread.
  3. I still think that you could guess the third proof. I'll give yet another clue, it has to do with the Big Crunch. So, lots of math, use a graphing equations, applies to a weakness in Proof 2, is so complicated that I'm putting it off until I have a whole day to dedicate to it, has something to do with the Big Crunch, and begins with a "D". I don't want to insult you by giving you too many clues. It would make the achievement hollow.
  4. Revolution starts with U
    I have answered your arguments in the most prudent way possible; outright dismissal. This is not meant as an insult, nor a blind ideologue's stance. I see that you generally know what you're talking about, but within that is mixed up some outright wrong statements, and conclusions that contradict what most mainstream physicists have to say on the matter, which you state as accepted fact.
    I know not whether you are a contrarian, mistaken, or a quack. What I do know, is that I will not be baited into your ultimatum. IF I respond, it will be on my terms.
    Will you send NATO to order me to respond?

    You're running out of time to guess the third proof. Don't you like a challenge? You have until Monday.
  6. Do you have any objection to splitting the Death thread into a Cosmology thread in the Science forum? I'll go through and get the numbers of all the posts.
  7. This should clear up your confusion about my statements about the multiverse:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8