Conversation Between Revolution starts with U and Bud Struggle

  1. Revolution starts with U
    HAHA. He does fall for it every single time lol. It's hilarious. But he's a good guy, you have to cut him a little slack.
  2. Well, gee thanks a lot. I certainly enjoy you and your posts, too. I am a bit "pro-America" but largely to counteract the anti-Americanism around here, I go a bit overboard. I understand America has problems, big ones. Also, my guilty pleasure on RevLeft--I LOVE to annoy Gacky. I just love to get him all pissed off--and he, of course, falls for it every time. You are a great guy Rev. Which leads me to think of another Gacky joke---you will know it when you see it.
  3. Revolution starts with U
    Thank you, Bud.
    Also, I ask your forgiveness for any wrongdoing, judgements, or heartache I may have happened upon you. I give you slack for being the "America rules!" guy, but you do make good points about it. It's just annoying because it's hard to combat. America has done many great things.
    Either way, I've always enjoyed having you around. And it was really boring around here while you were gone
  4. Good posts!
  5. Revolution starts with U
    Thank you. When Melissa died I sort of just pulled her spirit into me. Ihave no anger. Everything seems clear now.
  6. Some really great posts lately. You have really come a long way... Good for you. All the best--Bud
  7. Revolution starts with U
    I wouldn't have thought so. Despite our disagreements, the last thing I see in you is racist.
  8. Lets just say--he changed his post. The post I thanked had nothing to do with Obama.
  9. Revolution starts with U
    Ya. I thought that was a pretty nice Yacht. I may be pretty poor (or at least grew up that way) but I'm well aware of what prices will look like for me in a few years.

    Skooma, I live in NE Ohio... it's probably worse than brittain
  10. The boat cost 130 million. And NO I AM NOT THAT RICH.
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