Conversation Between Soviet dude and The Vegan Marxist

  1. The Vegan Marxist
    Hey comrade, do you know if Furr has any actual published books that I can buy? I find it easier having hardback copies, rather than just PDF forms.
  2. The Vegan Marxist
    Hey comrade. Just to give my two cents in the ISO convo going on, especially between you & Comrade Alastair, he really isn't a cop nor does he not organize. He's a dedicated organizer in New Zealand & has played a huge role in advancing the socialist labor party there.

    He's just going at you because of that incident between you & Ely. He [Comrade Alastair] is really dedicated to Kasama it seems, where I'm not of the least bit. And trust me, Ely & me don't see eye-to-eye a lot of the times. So I'm with you on that. But having to deal with these people since January, it's best to just say what you came to say through up to 5 posts, no more, & just get out of there. There's a lot of sectarian bullshit on this forum, it's not even funny. Me & Daniel Sullivan had to deal with a bunch of ISO bullshit recently about China & Cuba's recent economical decisions.

    Either way, how you been comrade? Oh, & btw, I ended up joining the FRSO-FB! Josh helped out.
  3. The Vegan Marxist
    How's it going comrade? Been busy a lot lately?
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