Conversation Between Coyote and Proukunin

  1. Coyote
    Yeah, though I wonder if it would be better if they did study actual conservative governments O.o I'd rather have them sit in their lazyboy and watch Fox News than be actually out in the streets goose stepping.
  2. Proukunin
    haha, exactly. Conservative people are always the worst to argue with because they don't listen and everything you say they will counter it with you are just lazy and you could find a better job. It's pathetic because they get most of their arguments not from actual conservative governments but from TV.
  3. Coyote
    I can relate. I usually get the classic "Go back to Russia, hurr dee durr random jingoistic prattle!" line just because I make it apparent that I don't buy into nationalism (or 'patriotism') or because I don't write off everything as beyond a person's control as everything is done according to 'God's will'.

    It kinda makes me sick, really. This is why we must continually educate people, even if it's a gargantuan task...or send them to a gulag...wink wink
  4. Proukunin
    He was telling me to go to Europe if I wanted socialism...He said go back to Spain haha. He also had no reasons for why the conservative party helps the working class. He told me I am angry with god because I'm athiest and I'm bashing the mode of production I sponge off of.

    It takes my breath away at all the youth who fall for glen beck and shawn hannity.
  5. Coyote
    They really have quite the habit of doing that, trust me, I live in an area surrounded by Tea Party fascists and Christian fundies. Other than the fact that all of this nationalism/jingoism on facebookland is about to make me barf, I'm not doing too bad.
  6. Proukunin
    Hey comrade, good. Just finishing up an argument with a Christian conservative on socialism vs. conservatism. Which he ends up sounding like a fascist lol. How are you?
  7. Coyote
    Hey comrade, how goes it?
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