Conversation Between graymouser and The Grey Blur

  1. The Grey Blur
    also, i'm not in northern ireland, i study in england and am on a study year abroad in france at the moment. so i should really change that location thing.
  2. The Grey Blur
    no, not at all. i think the imt has the best analysis of the past and present situation in the north. the 'occupied 6' descriptor is a tad tongue in cheek. if there's anything i disagree with the imt on, it's probably that i have my reservations on the mass parties line though i appreciate that it's a lot more flexible than people on this board like to charicature it as. i liked your posts in that thread and in the north korea thread, you have a good grasp of theory.
  3. You describe yourself as an IMT "fellow traveler" but put your location as "the occupied 6." Do you distance yourself from the IMT's historic analysis of the Irish question?
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