Conversation Between Obs and El Chuncho

  1. El Chuncho
    I agree, and I do not understand. Also, I think many such people flock to the left because the right and capitalists have already denounced them. Sad really. I am very progressive when it comes to sexuality. But people who support the abuse of children? No, I draw the line there.
  2. Yes, some people are very quick to cause a riot in defense of rapists and perverts.
  3. El Chuncho
    Ah the usual. Any mention of the ''forbidden vice'' got the thread deleted, and as usual members who spoke against it were called idiots. I escaped defamation by writing a long enough post. Oh well. I guess the mods and admins need to keep order.
  4. I never saw that thread after I posted in it. When I came home, it was gone. What happened?
  5. El Chuncho
    I am a sexual liberationist, but I find it amusing that people can deny that a man who jacks off over images of (manga) children getting raped is not in the least bit interested in paedophilia. Maybe he should not be arrested, because they are only drawing, but the guy is a blatant ''wannabe'' paedophile. I do not think that you are a ''fucking moron'' for your comment at all.
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