Conversation Between Palingenisis and Marxach-Léinínach

  1. Marxach-Léinínach
    no problem you shocking racist nationalist
  2. Thanks.
  3. Thanks a chara!
  4. No, no reason. A poll has been opened but I have no idea of what is going on.
  5. Marxach-Léinínach
    Why thank you. It's too bad you can't post on there. How's the whole thing with your restriction going? Have you at least been given a reason yet?
  6. I agree with your posts in M-L-M group. I found Mike Ely calling Lin Biao quasi-fascist really over the top. But to be honest there does seem to be a lot of liberalism around Kasama.
  7. Marxach-Léinínach
    I think MSH have definitely got some valid points on Lin, but Chinese history ain't my stronghold either so same as you I don't wanna jump right in
  8. Marxach-Léinínach
    Why thank you
  9. Congrats also on being made Chairman of the Maoist group!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20