Conversation Between NoOneIsIllegal and Os Cangaceiros

  1. Os Cangaceiros
    he definitely kept it real, that's for sure. it seems like all the most real-keeping anarchists came from Europe...except for Lucy Parsons.
  2. NoOneIsIllegal
    Mr Most, correct? I'm ordering "Beer and Revolution" soon, which is about the (german) anarchist communtiy in the U.S. back in the day, and I guess a lot of it has to do with Johann Most. Pretty stoked to read it, dewd knew wut was ^
  3. NoOneIsIllegal
    Hahaha. You thought of me?
    jk. But still, Revleft will consume you.
  4. Os Cangaceiros
    "Where activists claim that 'No One Is Illegal', we must recognize exactly the opposite: today an entirely legal existence would be an entirely submissive existence."

    ^I read this sentence from "The Call" recently and thought of you. I need to take a break from Revleft. lol
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