Conversation Between Red Commissar and ∞

  1. ∞
    Nah, I just get too bored. I just kill everyone.
  2. Red Commissar
    I tried to free a prisoner from them the first time I ran into them, but I shouted all them off the cliff.
  3. ∞
    I used to be cool with the Thalmor for lulz. But I realized they're the reason this war happened. They are on Imperial soil, acting like they own the place. Had to kill them all.
  4. Red Commissar
    It's funny really, before the game came out I was planning on following the stormcloaks. I did not get involved in the civil war when I got the game- just talking to the different peoples in Windhelm live the Dark Elves and Argonians and seeing the way they badmouth just about any non-Nord, I saw that they were just supremacists.

    That being said I also pretty much waylay any Thalmor patrols I find wandering in the wilds. Those guys creep me out.
  5. ∞
    Strip him of clothing and layed him out on the table. I have strong sympathy for my Dunmer friends although I am Altmer. Mer and beast needs to stick together against Nord supremacy.
  6. Red Commissar
    Yes Comrade.

    Out of curiosity, what did you do to poor Ulfric at the end?
  7. ∞
    Death to the stormcloaks.
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