Conversation Between Kuppo Shakur and Uppercut

  1. Sounds good, my gangster negro. We can get a crew together and be up in that ***** for a gay ol' time!

    Maintaining an enterprise such as a revleft social group can be a tiresome job indeed from what I understand. Maybe I should start one as well and get a personality cult started around my avitar.
  2. Oh and I guess I should post this in the Rammstein group.
    Sigh...the responsibilities of being a group maintainer...
  3. Correct.
    Yup, I'm pretty sure my brother would be down with going. Let's form a little posse.
  4. I was thinking about it. One of my psych friends brought it up today and they're playing at Madison Square Garden. I'm not a Rammstein fanatic, but I still like their music. I think the tickets are 60-90 bucks, and I can come home that Thursday or Friday and we can head to New York then.

    I think the concert is on a Saturday
  5. Nothing certain, but I am definitely keeping my schedule open in case I can scrape the cash together for a ticket. Are you going?
  6. Good idea, bro.

    Rammstein in December, yeah?
  7. I finally got my goddamn diploma.
    But then a stroke of inspiration caused me to immediately light it on fire and run around the school shouting RAANRAANRAANRAANRAANSMASHTHESTATE!
    So I guess I'm back to square one.
  8. I forgot about baby mao. The other day I was pumping gas, and I accidentally sprayed some on myself and the little red book was in my pocket, so now it stinks like gas.
    Oh and nationalism is geh.
  9. I could do that. Instead of baby Mao, I could do baby Hoxha and he goes across the globe fighting fake Marxists and fucking up RAANtards.

    And Hoxha4lyfe, *****. The 2:1 wage gap is nothing to shrug off.
  10. You should make a Hoxhaist webcomic.
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