Conversation Between Cyberwave and AK

  1. Cyberwave
    I advise you to message Ismail, or search around his posts for more information. He was the one who really got me to understand "Hoxhaism" myself.
  2. Thanks for the info
  3. Cyberwave
    Hoxha banned beards to curb religious influence mainly... Sounds ridiculous, I'll admit, but it wasn't as though Hoxha was the only one to do weird things in the Eastern Bloc. But mainly its when he attempted to force religion away with violence, which turned out to be a disaster of sorts; it was a step forward and two steps back.
  4. What exactly were these policies?
  5. Cyberwave
    It depends. Mostly in regards to the supposed "extreme isolationism" that Hoxha took, but it really wasn't isolationism so much as Albania was self-sustaining society, and defending against the threats made by the Soviet Union and other aggressors. The other has to do with Hoxha's religious policies which were very radical and in a sense "ultra-left," but Marxist-Leninist-Hoxhaists themselves generally don't support such radical religious policies in modern society.
  6. Alright, well why are Hoxhaists called "ultra-leftists"?
  7. Cyberwave
    I have not heard that and it would make no sense considering just how anti-imperialist Hoxha himself was. Marxist-Leninists are essentially the same as Hoxhaists anyway, so you'd have to give me specific content for me to give a more specific answer.
  8. Ignoring the Trotsky thread, why is it that "Marxist-Leninists" claim "Hoxhaists" are closet imperialists?
  9. Cyberwave
    Thanks for the heads up, heh... Don't want no dirty bourgeois scum seeing my Facebook!
  10. Hey Mike. As a general rule, I'd advise you to delete that comment with your email in it as I was able to access your Facebook from it. In the wrong hands, this shit fucks you up.
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