Conversation Between Lenny Nista and Yehuda Stern

  1. Yehuda Stern
    As far as I can tell, they published this article out of their own accord. Not that I personally mind, nor can I imagine other members would, but I am worried that it seems to suggest an organizational link between our groups. I will turn the comrades' attention to this. Thank you.
  2. Lenny Nista
  3. Yehuda Stern
    I'm afraid I'm not aware of that, or don't remember at least. Do you have more info? Maybe links?
  4. Lenny Nista
    No I meant the Leninist Trotskyist Faction, of Democracia Obrera of Argentina and the Communist Workers Group in New Zealand...I thought the latter had published some of your articles on their blog but maybe I made a mistake...
  5. Yehuda Stern
    Are you talking about to Argentinian PO's International? One of our members was in it but none of the others. He wrote about it, if you're interested and I get his OK I can send you his account of that experience.
  6. Lenny Nista
    BTW - sorry to ask for more info when I haven't even had time to properly read your positions on the Lindsey Pil Refinery, but I was wondering, did your group ever write a public balance of your experience with the LOI/LTF?
  7. Yehuda Stern
    Our position was that revolutionaries had to intervene in the strike, as many of the demands raised were correct, and meanwhile fight against the chauvinism that accompanied it. We felt that all the left groups we knew of (except for our comrades in the LRP) were either being sectarian by abstaining from the strike due to the chauvinism or opportunist by participating in the strike and downplaying the nationalist sentiments. If you want, you can send me your e-mail address and I will send you an article on the subject by a comrade.
  8. Lenny Nista
    I've got a question: what was the ISL position on the Lindsey Oil Refinery strikes in Britain last year? I heard they had criticized the SWP/Workers Power/Socialist Fight line, but maybe I've been misinformed. If this is true, what were the differences? :s
  9. Yehuda Stern
    Yes, we do share their state capitalist analysis. In fact, it was our reason for completely breaking with IMT politics and adopting revolutionary positions on other questions, Palestine included. I think you would do well to reexamine that position, especially through reading the LRP's book on the question.
  10. Lenny Nista
    ok. I'm a reader of their materials.

    I notice you're in discussions with the LRP, does the ISL share their state Cap analysis? This is one of the areas where I found myself disagreeing with them...
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