Conversation Between ComradeMan and The Feral Underclass

  1. ComradeMan
    If you infract me for spamming, what about Bob? He "spammed" me with his provocative Championing the occupation post? But I suppose it doesn't count that he also unconditionally supports the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah- that's fine- but defend the humanitarian organisation of the UN and you're out? This is not an attack on you AT, but really, when some **** like Bob says I ought to be burned alive in the Israeli flag, I don't really care anymore and it kind of makes me doubt the validity of the whole site.
    Anyway, Peace out to you- no hard feelings.
  2. ComradeMan
    Now worries, like I said. I will desist if it is going to be a problem.
  3. ComradeMan
    Okay, but it is not fair and I doubt legal that they discuss members on the forum and then do not allow those members to see what is being written about them. However, I will desist if it is going to be a problem.
  4. You've been asked by the users of the Anti-Zionist group and by a moderator not to post in that group. If it continues I'll take administrative action.

    I have already warned you once. Just let it go and move on, if you're unprepared to do that then you'll have to deal with the consequences.
  5. ComradeMan
    Wise words... point taken.
  6. ComradeMan,

    I think you should ignore the criticism being levelled against you as much as possible. Either that, or please refrain from flaming or unecessary provocative posts. I can appreciate the frustration but I suggest you ignore it and debate with other people about different things.
  7. ComradeMan
    Did you have a good New Year?
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