Conversation Between Nolan and Prairie Fire

  1. Not yet. But I'll be a friend of the party soon.
  2. Prairie Fire
    Candidate member?
  3. No.
  4. Prairie Fire
    Are you officially APL?
  5. Prairie Fire
  6. Yes, yes! Post more!
  7. Join the church! Help quell this leftist heresy!
  8. Wow, that was an interesting read. Thanks. We should point out more often that Orwell didn't even understand the basics of Marxism, his book is a strawman, and he never even visited the USSR. The Animal Farm argument is one of the most pervasive and irritating ones.
  9. Prairie Fire
    Well, Orwelll claimed a great many things, and went through many theoretical stages.
  10. Funny that it was written by someone who claimed to be a socialist.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12