Conversation Between btpound and Kassad

  1. Kassad
    Sounds good. It's always nice to look around and see what group fits you the best. If you have any questions about the PSL, whether it be about activity, line or events, feel free to ask me.
  2. btpound
    I like that it seems less sectarian. It looks like they are willing to accept anyone on Marxist-Leninist lines. I like that they are running political candidates too. I was considering RCP, but I don't really like the way they are going. I would still like to meet them though.
  3. Kassad
    You can contact the Miami branch here:
    [email protected]

    You can contact the Orlando branch here:
    [email protected]

    If neither answer or reply, click here and give a call to either the Chicago or San Francisco branches. I guarantee they'll answer there and give you people to get in touch with. I'm glad you're interested in us.
  4. btpound
    Do you know how often they meen, and how i can contact them? The PSL that is, not tea party.
  5. Kassad
    How'd you miss them? They're Constitutionalist/anti-tax types. Reactionary fascists, to be honest. They're pretty popular at this point and they're trying to get their little movement off the ground.
  6. btpound
    Whats that? Tea Party? Sound like Libertarians.
  7. Kassad
    We have branches in Miami and Orlando. Actually, we recently got into a physical confontation with Tea Party protestors a couple of weeks ago which caused a big commotion. We're really growing a lot in Florida.
  8. btpound
    I live in florida, do you have any branches here?
  9. Kassad
    Technically, no. We are a Marxist-Leninist group, but we uphold the legacy of Mao and the Chinese Revolution as socialist in character and his contributions are essential to understanding modern Marxism. I was having some problems with them a long time ago and ideologically aligned with them a lot more over the past 6 or so months and have no plans of leaving. I'm a full member of the party now.
  10. btpound
    Hey comrade, just following up on your old PM. Is the PSL a Maoist group? I heard you saying you were thinking about leaving it. Are you considering any other groups?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10