Conversation Between Uncle Rob and GallowsBird

  1. Uncle Rob
    Yes. Attempts were made to form a ML version of revleft, but I think they are null and void at this point. Rightly so; now is the time for action and overarching analysis of the general course of event now unfolding. To me, these drawn out "debates" on historical perspectives are superfluousness insofar as they are divorced from our current practice which they are. Even if they weren't, these debate should be published in the form of criticism, so as to give the overall movement and the labor groups that are actually acting a chance to work them out in the field, which will once and for all prove the legitimacy of our strategy and tactics to all those who vehemently doubt and demonize us. That to me seems to be the more pertinent course of action at the present time - which is another reason you wont find me posting much these days.
  2. GallowsBird
    Same here. Oddly I originally wanted to be non-partisan here but that didn't last long. It is hard to have a debate in threads if you aren't one of the "correct RevLeft" tendancies it seems.
  3. Uncle Rob
    Seems probable. I limit the amount I post here, considering the hostility the ML's receive here.
  4. GallowsBird
    I have been on here since April 2011 but I had a reasonably long break from posting between, I think July or August last year until this month. I think we just missed each others posts when we were both on.
  5. Uncle Rob
    Thank you comrade, I'm very appreciative. Have you been here long? I can't say I've seen you on the boards before.
  6. GallowsBird That was a great post, if you don't mind me saying so. Sadly it was too long ago for me to thumb it up.
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