Conversation Between AK and FriendlyLocalViking

  1. Tbh, I never really knew wtf dialtical materialism and historical materialism were. But it's true; economic factors were the driving force behind history. They created classes, influenced migrations and upper classes further divided the lower classes through ethnic lines, etc.
  2. FriendlyLocalViking
    Well I'm a historian by trade, so I study history professionally, and it was largely the historical dialectics that bugged me. It's simplistic and arrogant to think that you can sum history up in one sentence, and outright wrong to say that economic factors and class conflict are the only things that drive history.
  3. "...then abandoned Marxism and Communism altogether, seeing ideological flaws."
    From your political statement.

    I'm not starting an argument with you or anything here (after all, I am an anarchist; so I don't really give a shit if you claim that Marxism has ideological flaws - which it does) but I'm interested as to what the ideological flaws are in your opinion.
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