Conversation Between AK and Uppercut

  1. There's a difference between workers directly controlling the whole economy and workers being able to kick out managers they didn't like and get new ones. You've only claimed that the latter existed in Albania.
  2. No, it's not a new "boss". The management was in the hands of the workers and like I told you, supression of criticism of management was illegal, and the workers had a direct role in planning the economy and making alterations to it. Whether we acknowledge it or not, there is always going to need to be someone who is responsible for transfering information between enterprises and between other unions. Under socialism, this is a bottom up process with participation at the base. Under capialism, it is a top down affair where the employees are treated like mindless drones who have no right to have a direct hand in their social lives.

    If you want, I can give you some more information about the Albanian economy and society.
  3. Eh, just a new boss.
  4. Yes, The shop floor committee would present new candidates to replace the old manager. Suppression of criticism of management was illegal.
  5. I'd prefer no managers. Besides, if the unions kicked out a manager, would they get another one?
  6. Well good, I guess. There's no reason to hate Leninists. Socialist Albania' trade unions were very powerful and could kick out any local manager through a consensus vote. Plus the wage differentiation was 2:1, the most egalitarian in the world.
  7. Trot
  8. I don't hate Leninists as much as I'd like to.
  9. Yep. So how's that anti-leninist RANN going for ya?
  10. Oh you got an anime Hoxhaist avatar too, I see.
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