Conversation Between Eat the Rich and RotStern

  1. RotStern
    Rofl big joke xD
  2. A
  3. RotStern
    Sup babe.
  4. Lets all put neon Stalin as avatars
  5. what a liar he is then. But for him radical is a bunch of anarchists getting together smoking pot
  6. RotStern
    lol perhaps. Hamilton? RADICAL? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! NOT AT ALL XD
  7. Ahhhh. I live in Montreal. We should meet up though when I come to Toronto in the winter

    I have a buddy in Hamilton, who is a lumpen anarcho-marxist. He told me that it's a pretty radical place.
  8. RotStern
  9. I live in Canada as well. I just wanna see if we're in the same city lulz.
  10. RotStern
    as was I comrade Why is it you wish to know my city?
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