Conversation Between red cat and penguinfoot

  1. penguinfoot
    I feel so honoured!
  2. penguinfoot
    Who the fuck is bob? lol, one post does not constitute spamming you fool, and you shouldn't be surprised to see me posting in your "guest-book", that's what it's there for. You don't know fuck all about South Asia you eurocentric bag of shit, because you're an ignorant tool whose politics consist of soundbites and not analysis. But if you ever want to explain how there's a communist society in the base areas, I'll be waiting.
  3. I'm a little surprised to see you posting in my guest-book even though you know that you're in my ignore-list. It is strange that you seek attention so badly, Bob. I don't debate much on China etc. But when anyone talks shit about South Asia, I bash him until he either stops or shamelessly starts dodging questions, just like you. I am reading your post and answering you this one last time, if you continue to spam my guestbook anymore, I will report you.
  4. penguinfoot
    Do you ever actually enter debates on, say, China, or anything else, or do you just sit at the sidelines like the ignorant little shit you are?
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