Conversation Between Lyev and Nolan

  1. I became a member like a month before they shut it down. And I wasn't even very active until long after that.
  2. Lyev
    I think it's a useful place for discussing board policy away from idiots, trolling etc., although I am not exactly sure how it is distinctly and essentially different from the old CC. Were you around when the CC was?
  3. There's really no point.
  4. Lyev
    Why is it dumb?
  5. It's kinda dumb actually.
  6. Lyev
    I dunno, I half-think 1000 posts are required, but the other half thinks 1200 is required. I am curious to see what the committed user forum is like (probably not that exciting).
  7. I could have sworn you were a CU...?
  8. How are you?
  9. Lyev
    you have a funny blog about things that don't exist. I think I might do one like that
  10. It's not slander, it's humorous parody!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 25