Conversation Between Lyev and Leaf

  1. Lyev
    Congrats, I've still got secondary school and college and then university to get through.
    Yeah, England is OK, the weather is terrible on the most part and I hate traditional, English, right-wing values- everyone seems to support the army and the wars Afghanistan and Iraq, but other than it, it's good .
    I don't really know what I'm planning, it seems so far away in the distant future, you know? Although I'm thinking of going into something like Modern History or Economics, I like analyzing things. How about you? What's Australia like?
  2. Leaf
    I'm 17, finished my last year of school 2 days ago wooo
    I'm in Australia.
    Do you like it England?
    What are you planning for your future?
  3. Lyev
    Hello, always nice to get an unexpected message, thanks.
    Thanks for noticing my quotes too, I spent a long time picking them
    I'm from the south-west of England and I'm 15; you?
  4. Leaf
    hey comrade.
    i really like ur sig quotes.
    where'ya from and how old im wondering
    nice to meet you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4