Conversation Between Lyev and Chambered Word

  1. Chambered Word
    (I've finally gotten back to Revleft thanks to a proxy)I think you're confusing us with another group in the US. Some of our older constituents were members of a group in Australia that was associated with the IST before they were expelled but we are not officially associated with any international group.Anyway it sounds like there's a lot of interesting events in the UK at the moment. Keep us updated comrade.
  2. Lyev
    Yeah, not too bad, lots of stuff going on with a rise in fees, and cutting of EMA and whatnot here in the UK. I was gonna ask you, you're part of SA in Australia, right? are they the guys who are probably joining in the fifth international; what's your opinion on that?
  3. Chambered Word
    Not bad really. I haven't been on RevLeft in a long time. How about you?
  4. Lyev
    Hello comrade, I haven't seen you around here in a while. How goes things?
  5. Chambered Word
    Yeah, definately.
  6. Lyev
    Well I can understand wholly why the debate is relevant. But I just think there's more things that the Trotskyist movement can concern itself with, especially after all the splits and arguments in the 70s and 80s. We're not the People's Front of Judea.
  7. Chambered Word
    Thanks for clarifying. I'm not really hung up on thedegenerated WS vs state capitalist debate, although I think the idea of a "deformed worker's state" is ridiculous.
  8. Lyev
    Yeah I was joking. The Socialist Party's official line is deformed workers' state, not the Cliffite notion of state capitalism. Although, to be honest, even though this is issue isn't massively important, I would say the USSR was state capitalist.
  9. Chambered Word
    'Hopefully I'll be able to mould his young mind into thinking like a dogmatic, orthodox Cliffite.'

    Were you kidding around? I thought the CWI took an orthodox line.
  10. Chambered Word
    If you're still interested in the anti-Beck video I'm going to deconstruct 'The Revolutionary Holocaust' within the next couple of days or so, if you want to help elaborating on the draft I'd be happy to let you.
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