Conversation Between Outinleftfield and El Chuncho

  1. El Chuncho
    ''Sure cultures would mix but in a world of abundance it couldn't destroy cultures...There would be a lot more cultural freedom. I think people everywhere would be more multicultural, more willing to try out things from other cultures so there would be a lot of mixing but nobody would be forced to submit to a "dominant culture"''

    I agree with that. I am arguing this point at the very moment. I do agree with internationalism but mono-culture, rather than multi-culture, is both boring and an impossible goal. I like my culture, English, but that does not mean I do not want internationalism. Cultures exist, but that does not mean they will stand in the way of a multi-cultural socialist world. In the soviet union, they even had states filled with many different cultures. Instead of being rabidly anti-culture, like a lot of leftists (specially the young), we should attack the idea of paper nations, not cultures.
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