Conversation Between Misanthrope and Anarkiwi

  1. Misanthrope
    Yup. Anarcho-socialism, pure democracy.
  2. im the same but have never wanted to be capitalist,
    i hole heartedly belive in socialisim but in the senes of spain 36-37
  3. Misanthrope
    Believe me man, I have had my doubts about my socialism. Maybe it is me being a naive young one or too emotional but I cannot help to have a moral objection to capitalism as an economic system. I have gone so far to even consider suscribing to anarcho-capitalist theory. Scary, huh?

    Stay socialist bro.
  4. i like you,
    unlike others here you read all in my post not just browse,
    and to top it off your replys mean something,

    Revolutionary Solidarity comrade.
    much respect
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