Conversation Between MilitantAnarchist and Sprocket Hole

  1. Understood, im just making another thread discussing this, so im sure i'll speak to you there
  2. Sprocket Hole
    Hmm, well apology accepted.

    You realize, when people where refering to communism to you, they where not saying anarchism is compatible with a autocratic state bueracracy. Communism is just a way of refering to how things would be organized. In this sense, most anarchist societies would organize communiiy, things would be shared, collectivized.

    In an anarchist society, there would be no rulers, but there would be collective ground rules. But these rules would not be decided by some despot, but by the community or workplace that they apply to.
  3. Read quite alot of books actually... Just think they are all shite (ones that condone a government)... Many anarchists do take on theories of communism, but i dont. Any form of government is oppressive, and if there is a form of 'loose' government, it wouldnt work because it wouldnt encourage autonomy, and then it would just clash...
    But as i said to others, sorry if i was acting a twat, sick of personal shit and sick of people arguing for the sake of arguing on here.
  4. Sprocket Hole
    Oh.. to add to my post, read a fucking book.
    Have a nice day.
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